Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Christmas Eve with the Hume Family

I love the Hume family Christmas gatherings! Each year Grandma Hume invites the entire family over for Clam Chowder on Christmas Eve. Everyone brings something to share and we sit around eating, talking and exchanging gifts. The kids each get spoiled by their Great-grandma and receive a gift from her under the tree. Most adults participate by bringing a “man’s gift” or a “women’s gift” and then we play a rousing round of a white elephant type swap/exchange for gifts. Each year there seems to be some debate about the rules of the game and how many times people can steal gifts…even though we play this game every single year (as long as I have been around anyway). Some might think this is a crazy Christmas tradition…well…it fits in perfectly with this group and we have a lot of fun!

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Great-grandma Arvilla Hume has 15 great grandchildren! 11 of whom are pictured below!

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Uncle Mike holding the newest addition to our family, Lilyana!

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Uncle Larry, me and Aunt Sharon

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Ammon’s cousins: Stacy, Kari and Stephanie

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What a fun night together with family!

Ohh that GRINCH…

Trying to steal Christmas the Farris Family Christmas by taking all the lights from the Farris House!Christmas 026 OK…so here is the Grinch all set up! I just had to show you all the end result! (If you are curious…check out the DEC 2nd post: The Grinch That Stole Christmas)

Our Family Christmas…part 2

December 23rd, our morning began like every other morning, with the kiddos bounding into our bedroom ready for snuggles.  However, this morning we had a surprise!  SANTA CAME EARLY to our house! After hearing the news Annie and Nathan raced out to the living room to find their stockings full and overflowing of gifts from Saint Nick! They packed all the stockings back to our room and there we all sat , cuddled on the bed together, opening our gifts.  Neither kiddo questioned why we were opening our stockings early (why ruin a good thing right?)…they must have assumed that since we were leaving for Grandma and Grandpa’s house that evening and wouldn’t be back till after Christmas, Santa must’ve just known he had to get the stockings filled a few days early. And that was indeed the reason he came early this year.

All I know is, among other things (like a Starbucks gift card and awesome fuzzy socks), I was thrilled to find a note in my stocking explaining that Ammon and I get to have a date night/day where Grandma and Grandpa are taking the kiddos.  How Santa arranged that with the Grandparents I am not sure…I just wish that kind of service was available year round!

Santa must’ve known Ammon had been good this year…he received 3 Blu Ray DVD’s in his stocking! Terminator1 and 3 along with Kingdom of Heaven!

Annie and Nathan received jump ropes, candy, mechanical pencils, comic books and Target gift coins!

So after we lounged around for a little longer Ammon had to head off to work…his last day of work for the rest of the year! We had to wait patiently to open the rest of our gifts to and from each other!

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The kids were looking for Ammon from the windows mid-way through the afternoon. At 4:15pm Ammon came screaming into the driveway…threw the car into its place in the garage and ran inside to finish opening the rest of our gifts together. Well…that is exaggerating a little bit. But boy were the kids ready!

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This year Annie’s gifts included: 2 Webkinz from Nathan, a microscope for our budding scientist and Snow White on Blu Ray.

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Nathan received: From Annie, a Captain Rex Clone Trooper Helmet. Mommy and Daddy gave him a Galactic Heroes Millennium Falcon and the Clone Wars Season One DVD set.  And YES, if you look at the picture below closely Captain “Rex” is shooting Mommy with his blaster.

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Mommy received a wonderful red bathrobe and socks from Annie and Nathan. Annie and Nathan felt Daddy deserved something really special this year so they got him a Nintendo DSi! He was pleased!

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I have to say…it was quite a whirlwind! After opening our gifts we packed up the van and headed south for more Christmas with the Farris/Hume families this year.

Our Family Christmas…Part 1

For our family…”Christmas is a Season”…not a day.  Of course, December 25th is Christmas Day…I don’t dispute that. But in our home we like view Christmas as a string of many days put together…the entire experience…the entire season. We start singing and listening to Christmas songs the day after Thanksgiving. In the early weeks of December, the kids have fun moving Mary and Joseph each day closer to the nativity in expectation that baby Jesus will arrive on Christmas! Bible stories read and advent devotionals.  Parties to attend and host. Visiting Santa, making gingerbread houses, baking cookies, fudge and other fun treats for friends and neighbors. Christmas programs at school and gifts for Annie and Nathan’s teachers. Teaching the kids about giving to those less fortunate and having them shop and give a toy to a charity. Then of course, family events!

We LOVE Christmas!  AND we LOVE OUR FAMILIES! For some families Christmas is about getting together on Christmas Day itself and others make it Christmas Eve.  Both Ammon and I have big families and huge extended families. SO…each year we make it a priority to make it to one of our extended family Christmas celebrations on Christmas Eve (and then to celebrate that year with that side of the family), which often means our own family Christmas times are not always at the same time. Once we had kids we decided it was important to open our own family gifts/stockings together…just our family. The day wasn’t important…just that we did it together. I thought it might screw up our kids to not have Santa arrive on Christmas Eve every year (like everyone else)…but our kids seem to have managed. It’s nice to have a special time together amidst the rush and hurried schedules that Christmas can bring.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Merry Christmas from the Farris Family!

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OK…so I am still getting used to this fabulous blog and can’t figure out how to single space. So you will just have to humor me today. I got this great idea from my friend Rachel…a Christmas letter in the shape of a Christmas tree…well…it looked a lot better single spaced in the Word Document I used before posting it! Oh well… you get the jist.
Unfortunately, this season has been extraordinarily busy so we will forgo our annual Christmas letter this year and send you our wishes on-line. Enjoy our year in review below! We love you all and wish you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Star Wars
Movie nights
School field trips
Circus in Portland
Annie in kid’s choir
Wrestling with Daddy
Nathan writes his name
Ballet at the Kroc Center
Painted the family room blue
No more wall paper, it’s gone
Amazing weekend at the beach
Painted our bathroom green-ish
Kendra and Jason move to Oregon
Nathan started pre-school this year
Annie got her tonsils and adenoids out
Oregon Ducks are smelling Pasadena Roses
Rochelle loves her new laptop computer!!!
Ghost tour in Portland’s Underground tunnels
Nathan asked Jesus into his heart on February 16th
Both kids pound their nails into the cross at church
Camping at Old Miner’s Meadow with Family and friends
Both Annie and Nathan were in school for the very first time
Our small group Bible Study adds a new couple who are very fun
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory at the Children’s Theater in Portland.
We welcomed our first niece into our family, Lilyana Sarah Kathleen Baker
Enjoyed a fabulous weekend at a cabin on the McKenzie River with friends
Rochelle enjoyed a new programming leadership role in Hearts at Home this year
Annie is reading chapter books at a 6th grade level
Ammon working hard at Helion
Our sweet Leia goes to heaven
Playing games together
Cousin play dates
Jesus’ birth

Happy Birthday Kendra!

OK…so no one really wants a birthday 3 days before Christmas. Kendra’s birthday is on the 22nd of December…and this year (being that it was her first year back in Oregon)…I didn’t want her birthday to be skipped over. SO…we celebrated!!! SURPRISE KENDRA! Happy Birthday!

Our family came to celebrate her special day and surprised her with a party including chocolate/raspberry cake and bread pudding!!!

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Annie and Nathan gave Kendra a card that had an “AWESOME AUNT” sticker that Annie required Kendra to put on. Very appropriate!

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We also were able to celebrate Laurie’s birthday as well! A very fun evening together!

A Girl Scout’s Breakfast with Santa Claus

The first Monday of Christmas break, Annie’s Girl Scout troop was able to go to breakfast with Santa at the Riverfront Carousel in Salem!  Their hard work from their cookie sales at the  beginning of the year earned them enough money to enjoy this very fun morning together.

Each girl received a full breakfast, several rides on the carousel, a ticket from the Polar Express Conductor for five additional future rides on the carousel, a book signed by Santa as well as a picture with him! 

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More Christmas on December 20th with the Extended Pearson Family!

This year our extended family met together at Uncle Vern’s house in Wilsonville! Last year we had to cancel our Christmas Eve celebration because of the two feet of snow we had on the ground. In fact, that was the first Christmas Eve that had ever been canceled! Anyway, this year we didn’t have the snow and ice to contend with and we were thrilled to be together again. However, this year we have started a new tradition within our family. From this year on, our extended family will be meeting on the Sunday afternoon before Christmas…instead of Christmas Eve. Our immediate families will begin their own traditions on Christmas Eve.  A definite sign that our families are growing and that the torch has been passed to the next generation of grandparents to continue the Christmas Eve tradition!

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Uncle Vern went all out and we had a fabulous spread of food to eat!  Turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, gravy, cranberries, vegetables and tons of appetizers. Desserts were brought by everyone and so there was plenty to go around!

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Midway through the evening we stopped and this year I read the Christmas story out of the “The Jesus Storybook Bible.”  All the kids were anxious to get to the presents their parents brought for them, but were very respectful and listened very well to the most important story of all time! I even got a little choked up as I finished the story… ”But this child was a new kind of king. Though he was Prince of Heaven, he had become poor. Though he was the Mighty God, he had become a helpless baby. this King hadn’t come to be the boss. He had come to be a servant.”  The true meaning of Christmas!

After the Christmas story, the kids were able to open their gifts. Tonight, we let Annie open her new “Snow White” movie and Nathan received a Clone Wars Book. The adults exchanged Christmas ornaments and there was a little fun thrown in by allowing people to “steal” each other’s ornaments. The hot ornament this year was the Oregon Ducks Rose Bowl ornament that Ammon and I brought! The Washington relatives weren’t quite as excited about it as the Oregon relatives though!

The evening went by quickly and the kids enjoyed playing together again!

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The adults loved catching up and visiting with each other.

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The entire evening wrapped up to be another very special gift for all of us…time with each other! I love our family, our traditions, the comfortable place that we fall into when we see each other! We are truly blessed to be part of a family that loves each other, has a rich spiritual legacy that has been passed down to us and simply a family that enjoys getting together and makes this celebration each year a priority! 

An Early Pearson Christmas

December 20th is by far the earliest our family has celebrated Christmas together!  Sunday, after church we all got together at Dad and Mom’s house for our gift exchanges. Kendra and Jason are leaving on the 23rd to spend Christmas in LA and Sarah and Craig get to vacation in Hawaii on the 26th through the end of the year. We are in Eugene for Christmas this year…so the 20th sounded like a perfect time to celebrate together.

We snacked on Dad’s fabulous Cheese ball and crackers before sitting down to read the Christmas story! Then we all enjoyed sitting around the Christmas tree opening our gifts together. I have to say that I was VERY impressed with Annie and Nathan this year! They both were so polite and patient while we took turns opening gifts.

In fact, Annie even opened a gift where the box looked like she might have been given a box of light bulbs. Without hesitating, she plastered a huge smile on her face…looked around and wondered who she should be thanking for this gift of light. We explained that there might be something different in the box and she went on to open it to find a Phineus and Ferb CD she squealed with delight to see. So much better then light bulbs! BUT I was so proud of her…she was going to be grateful for her gift…even if it was a box of light bulbs!

Nathan was patient too! After all the stockings were handed out and people started opening them he quietly got up from where he was sitting and ran over to ask Grandma if he could have his (we had accidently forgot to give him his stocking). Instead of throwing a fit, he just quietly got up and asked to be given his stocking too…of course he knew just the person he should ask….Grandma!

Of course we were all spoiled! It’s fun every year to figure out who had your name. I was thrilled with my new Duck shirt and hat from Kendra. Ammon got the newest Harry Potter Blue Ray from Kim and the Terminator Salvation Blue Ray from Mom and Dad. I received a beautiful red Jacket from my parents! The stockings were stuffed full and “Santa” out-did himself this year again!

Annie and Nathan made out like bandits and received many fun new toys and clothes. Some of the highlights included:

Annie: A volcano science experiment set, Pixo’s and A Phineus and Ferb CD.

Nathan: Darth Vader’s Lego Tie Fighter, the Clone Wars Command Center and Clone Wars PJ’s!

Our family pictures!!!

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pre christmas 003 pre christmas 018 pre christmas 023 pre christmas 038 pre christmas 041 pre christmas 045 pre christmas 013 pre christmas 012Kim’s friend Ashley was visiting Oregon and came over to spend the day with us! It was great seeing her again too!

Oh Christmas Tree…

This year has been a huge transition year for us in regards to our Christmas tree.  I actually have been painfully accepting our new future and the lack of fresh smelling pine in our home. However, I have been truly amazed and surprised at the beauty our new artificial tree holds. So let me tell you the story…

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I think the conversation went something like this.  “Ammon, yes I will marry you...as long as you promise we will always have a real tree for Christmas!”  Well, I have had to adjust my expectations after three years in a row my beautiful daughter has had a “runny nose” at Christmas. And last year it was quite obvious that it was in fact the Christmas tree coming in and making its home in our house that started off her “cold.”  Allergies! Ahhh…I mourned the loss. But now am adjusting. I truly am. Yes…I have to be.  This positive self-talk is really good…it does work.

Actually, I have to say that seeing Annie at Christmas time healthy and without sniffles really does make me very happy!  So this year, I thank God for plastic and all the artificial things that can make up a beautiful allergen-free Christmas tree.

Oh yes…our other new addition to the tree this year was our Christmas star at the top. This is Nathan’s addition to the tree this year. Since Ammon and I were married we have always had a bow on the top of the tree…this year we are just switching it all up! AND that’s OK!  Merry Christmas everyone!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Nathan’s Christmas Program

Before Nathan’s Program…

All smiles…though very quiet. As soon as I took him to his classroom to get ready for the program he held my hand a little tighter and definitely did not want to say good-bye.  A little stage-fright? I think so.

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During Nathan’s Program…

It was obvious that Nathan knew all the words to the songs they sang…he threw in the motions here and there and just stood and looked quite serious and stoic the entire time he was in front.  Mommy, Daddy, Annie, Grandpa and Grandma, Aunt Kendra and Uncle Jason waved and encouraged him along from our seats in the 6th row.

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After the Program…

CELEBRATION! After I picked up Nathan from his class I told him what I good job he did! He smiled shyly. I asked what his favorite part was. He replied very quickly explaining that his favorite part was when he got to go downstairs to his room (between the time the pre-schoolers were on stage) and got to watch a movie. So today I verified once again that my son is not a front and center, spot-light boy.

Though what came next he did love! All the attention from the family that came to watch his program!

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Helion Christmas Party

Each year Ammon’s work invites all of their employees and a guest to a Christmas dinner party.  Ammon and I love attending these fun evenings. A chance to sit back and enjoy a night out together, along with the opportunity to visit with Ammon’s co-workers and spouses! Ammon is blessed to have such a great job. However, it’s not just about the paycheck…a lot of it is because of the great environment Helion is; the people he works with, and for, is what makes Helion so great!


Ammon, Ramona, Murray and Steve


Bryce, Sam and Carlin


Katie, Jeff, Trevor and Leah


Each year there is a Christmas gift exchage. Each person brings a gift and is able to take a gift home. It’s a lot of fun!

Making our Annual Gingerbread House

Can I tell you how much my three children love candy? Oops…I included Ammon in that number. Seriously, the the salivating begins as we bring home the gingerbread house kit…usually a Costco buy…this year from Michael’s. I really should probably break down and actually make homemade gingerbread and frosting for this special tradition…though I haven’t come to the point where I feel inclined to spend an entire day baking for an event that we end up putting together the pieces of gingerbread and then let them sit and get stale for a couple of weeks. I am all about eating what I bake…so when I am able to get over that hurdle…I will let you all know.


Anyway…here is Ammon overseeing the making of the frosting.


Annie and Nathan then are eager to lick the beaters…beginning their first sugar rush!


Next comes putting together the pieces of the gingerbread house that come all perfectly cut out in our house kit.  However, it takes two adults to ice the pieces together and hold them in place so they don’t topple over while the frosting is setting. Therefore, there are no pictures for this step of our gingerbread construction.

077The rest is up to the kids…once start putting frosting on the house they go at it. It’s mostly like this. One candy for the gingerbread house, one candy for me, one candy for the gingerbread house, one candy for me. And on they go till they are out. OH then Daddy finds more candy in the cupboard and they continue till they are finished with Daddy’s secret stash!

Truly, it’s a fun tradition. I enjoy watching them (all three of them)!