Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Easter with Family

Disclaimer…not necessary…but important for you to understand.

My children know what the true meaning of Easter is all about. First thing they will tell you is, “Easter about Jesus!”  However, in our family we “do the Easter bunny” thing as well. Just like at Christmas we “believe in Santa.” It’s fun, it’s silly and they recognize that the Easter bunny (or Santa for that matter) is not why we celebrate the holiday.

However, there is something magical about traditions like this. Annie and Nathan love waking up in the morning to find the basket that the Easter Bunny leaves for them on our front door step! They love dyeing Easter eggs. They love (on years when the weather cooperates) hunting for the their colored eggs in the backyard. It’s all part of the fun tradition and the memories we make together.014Annie and Nathan peeking out the door to find their Easter baskets have arrived…sometime in the middle of the night the bunny has left them their baskets of fun!

012Mommy and Daddy usually give each of the kids a gift for Easter (this year it was a Webkinz and some candy treats, last year it was Resurrection Eggs…go figure). 020We went up to Canby this year for Easter dinner with the Pearson side of the family! Mom made a wonderful spread of food which we amply gorged ourselves on…but thoroughly enjoyed!  025 Hanging out in the kitchen…a favorite gathering spot for our family!


Annie and Nathan REALLY enjoying their Easter dinner!


Playing games with the family! Ticket to Ride was the game of the afternoon. Not to mention playing “games” on Jason’s new iPad. 031

Easter on Saturday?

“Mom, why are we going to Easter service on Saturday? It hasn’t been 3 days since Jesus died on the cross!”  - Annie

This is true. I have struggled with Easter service on Saturday since our church has gone to weekend services. Growing up, I went to “sunrise services” (which I don’t think many churches do any more). The morning, the sunrise, visualizing the women walking down the path to the tomb, meeting the angel who shows them that the tomb is empty. From fear, to rejoicing in the TRUTH that He had risen! It all seemed to make more sense in the morning. Why? Tradition. However, some traditions are OK to change and I think that celebrating the risen Savior on Saturday works!

To make room for more visitors during the Sunday services, and to open up Easter day to visit our family, we have chosen to attend the Saturday Easter services that last couple of years. This year was particularly special. This is the first year that when we attended Easter service…both kids were too old for childcare on Easter morning. We had a special time together this year celebrating the resurrection of our risen Lord as a family! We are so grateful that both kids now understand clearly why we celebrate Easter and they have a personal relationship with their Savior! Which reminds me of a verse that has been very dear to me this last year: 3 John 4 “I could have no greater joy that to hear that my children live in the TRUTH.”


An “Egg”stra Special Day – especially for Nathan!

A few days before Easter we had a special guest come and visit!  Cousin Erin, from Washington, visited us for the day and we had a great time dying Easter Eggs, playing games and building lots of Lego creations. 

Now I have to explain…this was a long awaited visit. Last fall our family saw Erin, and her family, at a family birthday celebration for her sister, Olivia in Washington. Erin spent a while playing Hot Wheels with Nathan during that visit and since then he has been asking for a visit with “Erin.” In fact, a few weeks after the get together he had wanted to get together with Erin again. I assumed the Erin he was talking about was our 5 year old, next door neighbor (whom he also adores) and loves to play with. So like a good mom I set up a play date. As I saw “little Erin” walking over I saw the confusion in my son’s eyes…mom I meant “big Erin!”  So forever, we now adoringly refer to cousin Erin as “big Erin.”  Anyway, Nathan counted down the days, hours and minutes till his “big Erin” would arrive.  The next few hours were bliss for him (and Annie, Grandma Sherrill and I enjoyed the time together as well).

004 001003 002  007 008Playing Candyland and building Legos just topped off a the perfect visit for Nathan!  009We can’t wait to see “big Erin” and her family again really soon!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Palm Sunday…HOSANNA!

Annie was so excited to be in Kid’s Choir again this year! She was thrilled to sing all five services for Palm Sunday weekend with the 78 member kids choir!  It was a long weekend (I also helped out as a “line mom” for the weekend) but she was thrilled to “praise God” all weekend long!  She told me her favorite part was running down the center aisle with palm branches and then laying her sweater and branch in the aisle before going up on stage to help lead worship!


One of the songs the children’s choir sang was, “Come Lord Jesus Come.” Annie did a great job doing the sign language. 024

I especially loved the final Hosanna song where the kids knelt and sang this prayer to the Lord:

“Heal my heart and make it clean. Open up my eyes to the things unseen. Show me how to love like you have loved me. Break my heart for what breaks yours. Everything I am for your Kingdom’s cause. As I walk from earth into eternity.”036 

There is something amazing that happens when children lift their voices to the Lord! It was a great weekend.  The kids did an amazing job and to see the kids lead worship together, leading with their hearts focused on their Savior…I can only imagine the joy it brought God!!!

A fun surprise…

Aunt Sarah and Uncle Craig came to meet us for lunch! Annie and Nathan were thrilled to see them and only wished Bailey could’ve been there!


A BREAK THROUGH for Aunt Rochelle

001 I have to say that I have been pretty self-conscious when it comes to my relationship with my youngest nephew, Micah. He is such a fun, cute and energetic little boy! I love him so much…but until just a few weeks ago it hasn’t really mattered.

Micah has decided to snub me in a way that I have never been snubbed by a toddler before. Every time I would walk in the room, see him from afar, or try and interact with him I have been met with a very strong, “NO!” He pushes me away, frowns and often cries to get away from me. Yes, I have taken it a bit personally!  Since Uncle Ammon is his favorite person in the world I have always chalked it up to jealousy…but as I say that…I really just do say that to make myself feel better!

Well a couple of weeks ago the boys were over.  I decided (with permission from Laura) to try and bribe my way into his affection.  After many crackers, snacks, candy and toys I think I made points. THEN it happened. From across the room he was looking at me with a certain intensity. He pointed at me and said, “Dah Der.” I was confused. He said it again and again…kept pointing at me. I finally glanced down at the Star Wars t-shirt I was wearing and realized he was pointing to the "Darth Vader” that was on my shirt. I smiled and recognized his toddler jibberish and said, “Yep that’s Darth Vader! Do you want to come and see the other characters on my shirt?” He cautiously approached and we continued to have quite a lengthy conversation about all the Star Wars characters.  The time passed and I recognized that he was getting bored with the t-shirt…so I asked him if he would like me to read the Star Wars book to him. He shook his head up and down and took my hand. We walked down the hallway together, found the book and returned to the couch to sit for another 10-15 minutes reading Star Wars together.006

Ahhh…Success! And another time that Star Wars has brought people together.